Brittany Martin is a community leader, mama, sister, organizer, activist, and revolutionary [BLM-Grassroots]

by Sheila Bates
Brittany Martin like so many heeded the call of our ancestors and the blood calling from the streets in 2020, she too heard the plea that George Floyd made when he called for his mama. It was deeply personal for her as well, her brother-in-law was killed in 2016, when Sumter police fatally shot him 19 times. So, she courageously took to the streets in protest, like so many of us, while having four babies at home and being pregnant, knowing that actions would make their future safer. While boldly standing in the face of cops suited up in riot gear in South Carolina who threatened violence and tear gas on the crowd, she took place in front, protecting her community, with her growing belly.
In 2021, Brittany co-founded Mixed Sistaz United, a local group that served meals to homeless people, organized voter registration drives, and hosted a Juneteenth celebration. She, like so many others, risked her freedom and life that day, she was later found guilty of breaching the peace in a high and aggravated manner over COMMENTS she made to police.
After giving birth to her child in prison and being denied the right to breastfeed, she had to say good bye to her infant. She has been put in solitary confinement for standing up for her rights and has been harassed by guards, including the forced cutting of her gorgeous locs.
She has given and done so much and has paid a heavy price for it. We see her for more than she has done and see her for the beautiful, powerful spirit. Brittany Martin is service, courage, commitment, and community personified. She is indeed a Divine Black Woman who deserves to be free, loved, supported, held, cherished and to be able to provide that for…

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