GPCA Endorses AB 2200, California Guaranteed Health Care for All Act [Green Party USA]

GPCA Endorses AB 2200, California Guaranteed Health Care for All Act

April 15, 2024
The Green Party of California has endorsed AB 2200, California Guaranteed Health Care for All Act (CalCare) which will begin the process of creating a universal single-payer system of equitable and just health care for every California resident, regardless of employment, income, age or immigration status.
The Green Party of California’s platform has included universal HEALTH CARE AS A HUMAN RIGHT since the inception of the Party and that is why we have proudly supported previous single-payer healthcare bills, including AB 1400, CalCare’s predecessor spot bill.
We invite all County Green Parties and other community organizations to endorse AB 2200, and to spread the word by sharing this message with community contacts and affiliated organizations.
The first Assembly Committee hearing on the bill is on April 23, and we urge all supporting organizations to make endorsements before this hearing to demonstrate the high level of public support for it. See the current list of endorsers at the bottom of the CalCare webpage.
What can you and your organization do to support CalCare?

#CalCare #AB2200 #HealthcareIsAHumanRight

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