Public Citizen-Medicare for all Act

Public Citizen-Medicare for all Act

“The overwhelming case for Medicare for All has long been clear. Medicare for All will end the cruel and needless rationing of health care that defines the current system. Rationing that keeps tens of millions of uninsured and underinsured people from seeking care. Rationing imposed by health insurers who deny care as a core part of their business model. Rationing that too often makes medicines available based on ability to pay, rather than need, leading 29% of Americans to report they do not fill prescriptions or take them as prescribed due to cost concerns.

“Medicare for All will put an end to all of this. It will establish, simply, that health care is a right and that all Americans have access to care. Regardless of ability to pay. Regardless of race or ethnicity. Regardless of whether they live in a city or rural area. Regardless of employment status.

“It’s not just about access. Medicare for All will improve health care quality. Every American would have better insurance – with broader coverage, including for long-term care – with an improved and expanded Medicare than they do now. Doctors and nurses would be freed to provide care rather than spend their time on billing. Medical equipment and facility investments would be based on need rather than corporate gamesmanship.

“Medicare for All will also be vastly more efficient than the current corporate-run system. It will save hundreds of billions annually by eliminating waste, marketing, bureaucracy, excessive executive compensation and profiteering.

“All of this has long been clear. What is different now is the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has underscored the cruelty and irrationality of our current health care system – and the urgency of replacing it with Medicare for All.


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