PDA Healthcare Emergency Town Hall -June 20th, 2021
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) was proud to promote the rollout this week of the new #MedicareForAll Act of 2021 introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) and Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI).
Now known as #HR1976, the bill has a record number of 113 original cosponsors compared to any previous attempt at such legislation, and some 300+ national, state, and local organizations that have endorsed it, including dozens of PDA state and local chapters that have signed on.
Our PDA Congressional Liaison Teams have already kicked into high gear, contacting those Members of Congress and their staffs both on Capitol Hill and their district offices to thank those who have already signed on, and to let those who have not yet signed on know that we strongly support this bill. The Medicare For All Act of 2021 is needed to right the wrongs of American healthcare, presently controlled by corporate profit-first interests that abandon medical and health needs of the people, especially at critical times such as we have now seen with #COVID19.