Social Media Hits

Teach-in With Kip Sullivan JD; “Unified Financing vs. Single-Payer” [API for CalCare via YouTube]

Kip Sullivan JD, health policy expert, researcher, organizer and author, speaks on the issues and questions regarding the financing of Single-Payer healthcrare reform. Sullivan touches upon ideas promoted by advocates of SB 770 and “Unified Financing” in CA and how these do not align with existing federal law requiring states to adopt legislation first, etc.

Teach-in With Kip Sullivan JD; “Unified Financing vs. Single-Payer” [API for CalCare via YouTube] Read More »

The Reason Why Healthcare is not Considered a Right in the United States

@bethechangeyoudesire Understanding the undeniable influence of systemic racism in shaping American society is crucial; when people assert that most aspects of our nation can be traced back to racism, it's because the truth lies in history. To move forward, we must learn from the past, acknowledging that systemic racism has played a significant role in

The Reason Why Healthcare is not Considered a Right in the United States Read More »

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