Duplicated: PDA Emergency Medicare for All Townhall

Progressive Democrats of America

Duplicated: PDA Emergency Medicare for All Townhall

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Join us this Sunday for another in our series of weekly PDA Healthcare Emergency Online Town Hall Meetings Oct 31 4p ET / 1p PT.

We welcome as our special guests two members of Canadian Doctors for Medicare (CDM), Dr. Michael Klein, M.D., University of British Columbia Professor Emeritus, a dual citizen who has practiced Family Medicine in both the U.S. and Canada, and Alice Cavanaugh, M.D. / Ph.D. health policy candidate from McMaster University, who will present the picture of both strengths and weakness in the Canadian Single Payer system, and how we might model the reform we so desperately need here in the U.S., especially in light of our experiences now with COVID-19.



To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0tceuhrzsvHdymeeZRwb-i7X50FJa-HMR4 →


Date And Time

10-31-2021 @ 01:00 PM to
10-31-2021 @ 02:30 PM


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